Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Target will design all its own products for circularity by 2040

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Target will design all its own products for circularity by 2040

The Grim Secret of Nordic HappinessThe company will also aim to be fully net zero by the same year.

At Target, you can buy compostable cutlery, cleaning products in glass bottles (easier to recycle than plastic), and shoes that can be sent back to the manufacturer to be recycled into new products - all examples of ways to avoid adding waste to landfills at the end of a product's life. And in the future, the company hopes its customers don't end up trashing anything they buy from a Target-owned brand. By 2040, Target aims for 100% of its own products to be designed for a circular future.

That goal is part of a larger sustainability strategy by the retailer called Target Forward, which has three main objectives: to design and elevate sustainable brands, to eliminate waste, and to push for equity and opportunity across the company. Within that plan, Target aims to be zero waste in its U.S. operations and net zero in terms of scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 2040

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Hotels desperate for staff are giving out $1,300 fitness machines, free rooms, and knife sets to stop employees leaving for rival chains

Battlefield Twitter, in NigeriaHotels are scrambling to find perks to both recruit and retain employees amid a US labor shortage that's causing some businesses to cut operating hours, slash production, and raise prices.

Some hotels are offering long-term perks, such as expanded healthcare access and higher wages, while others are turning to one-off quick fixes, such as free fitness machines, cash bonuses, and a set of knives for kitchen staff.

The Gansevoort Meatpacking hotel in New York City gave senior staffers a $1,345 connected-fitness machine, called The Mirror, when they returned to the hotel after working virtually for eight months.

Cape Resorts, which could only fill 75% of roles at its New Jersey and New York beachfront properties in May, is now giving staff free accommodation and board alongside a hospitality training program so they can learn new skills such as accounting and marketing.

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Who's Afraid of the Experience Economy?

It's Time to Stop Celebrating CharismaIt feels like much more than a year has passed since hordes of frantic shoppers from North America to Asia, impelled by first-wave coronavirus fears, stripped supermarket shelves of ... toilet paper. As experts from INSEAD and elsewhere hastened to explain, these waves of panic buying were only superficially about bathroom hygiene. The real motivator was control, or rather the lack thereof. Their equilibrium rocked by the unexpected life-altering force of Covid, global consumers reached out for useful and familiar products to anchor them psychologically against rapidly rising uncertainty.

It's an extreme example, but an instructive one if one wants to understand consumer behaviour. Products rarely become hits for pragmatic, rational reasons alone. They almost always fulfil an emotional function as well. Traditionally, it was the marketing department's job to frame and convey these deeper values. However, the arrival of digital technologies and the internet tipped the balance of power in consumers' favour and thereby upped the ante. Companies would now have to get serious about integrating their emotional value proposition into everything they did. The empathic innovation of professional designers would be essential to this effort. A 1998 article in Harvard Business Review gave a name to the nascent shift: "the experience economy".

One year into Covid and counting, however, some are questioning whether the experience economy is still viable.

Research: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress

Research: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing StressAnxiety in the workplace is a serious problem. What can you do to stay calm, rational, and productive when dealing with a stressful situation? In several recently published studies, the authors explored the effectiveness of different techniques and found that one method - SKY Breath Meditation - offered the best results for both immediate and long-term stress reduction. This comprehensive series of breathing and meditation exercises engages the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body's "rest and digest" activities, helping you to calm down and think rationally in the face of stress. These simple techniques can help you sustain greater emotional wellbeing and lower your stress levels at work and beyond.

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How to be mediocre and be happy with yourself

How to be mediocre and be happy with yourselfIn the novel Catch-22, the author Joseph Heller famously wrote: "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."

He'd taken a quote by Shakespeare on greatness and turned it on its head.

The implication was clear: mediocrity is a bad thing, to be avoided. Yet most of us go on to live what by most measures are pretty ordinary lives.

So what's wrong with settling for mediocrity?

It's a subject that became a field of study for two Italian academics, Gloria Origgi, a researcher and philosopher at the Jean Nicod Institute in Paris, and Diego Gambetta, a professor of sociology at Oxford University.

The art of kakonomics

It all started over a decade ago when they met up and got chatting about their experience of working and studying overseas, comparing it to how things were done in Italy.

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Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?
Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?

Although there are many models of emotional intelligence, they are often lumped together as "EQ" in the popular vernacular. An alternative term is "EI," which comprises four domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Within those domains are twelve EI competencies, starting with emotional self-awareness in the self-awareness domain. Emotional self-control, adaptability, achievement orientation, and a positive outlook fall under self-management. Empathy and organizational awareness make up social awareness. Relationship management includes influence, coaching and mentoring, conflict management, teamwork, and inspirational leadership. Leaders need to develop a balance of strengths across these competencies. Assessment tools, like a 360-degree assessment that uses ratings from yourself and those who know you well, can help you determine where your EI needs improvement. To best improve your weak spots, find an expert to coach you.

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