| From the Editor's Desk
The Game-Changing Tweaks That Helped One Insomniac Sleep Again Insomnia will have you trying anything in the quest for a good night's sleep. For journalist and author Kate Mikhail, no amount of eye masks, ear plugs, baths, sleep supplements or lavender oil could help her get a decent eight hours.
"I had trouble getting to sleep on and off for decades" she tells HuffPost UK. "I had to have prescription sleeping pills as back-up for those nights when I was still wide awake and increasingly anxious around 3am, knowing I had to get up not that much later."
Mikhail would stress about not being able to sleep, which would turn into a vicious cycle the following day when it was time to hit the hay. "The worry and stress about not being able to sleep triggers our inbuilt fight or flight reaction," she explains, "and we can't relax into sleep when this is ramped up, due to the stay-awake hormones being released."
Continued here
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