| From the Editor's Desk
People spend more than half their day doing busy work, according to survey of 10,000-plus workers Office workers are spending more than half of their day doing busy work instead of the job they were actually hired for, according to a new survey of more than 10,600 global workers from Asana, a work management platform.
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WorkWork� � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWork
� WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkWhat happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know The US has few ways to track the substantial supply of anti-tank, anti-aircraft and other weaponry it has sent across the border into Ukraine, sources tell CNN, a blind spot that's due in large part to the lack of US boots on the ground in the country -- and the easy portability of many of the smaller systems now pouring across the border. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWork3 Mistakes Startups Make With Data That Can Kill A Business Companies are leveraging data to make more and more business decisions. Unfortunately, some of the approaches are lazy, ineffective, and misleading, costing companies a lot of opportunities. If youre a part of the data industry, there are things you should watch out for. There are also ways you can break free from everyone else to [] WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWhat am I worth now? We speak with about 200 private companies every quarter, and the vast majority of our conversations over the last three months have revolved around one question: What am I worth now? WorkWorkJupiter's moon Europa may have a habitable ice shell On Jupiter's moon Europa, a saltwater ocean exists deep beneath a thick ice shell. A surprising connection between the ice shell and the Greenland ice sheet on Earth has provided new insight that Europa's ocean may be habitable, according to a new study. |