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Inside the metaverse meetups that let people share on death, grief, and pain Welcome to “Death Q&A,” a space with a unique combination of anonymity and togetherness, where avatars discuss what weighs on them most heavily.
Days after learning that her husband, Ted, had only months to live, Claire Matte found herself telling strangers about it in VR.
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WorkDisney rips Peltz over board fight, defends Iger's acquisitions The company said it had offered Peltz an information-sharing agreement, meaning he would have met quarterly with both management and the board, rather than a board observer role, as Peltz had said. Otherwise, Disney pointed to numerous interactions between the company and Trian. � � |  | � Work14-year-old girl charged with murder in the shooting of 11-year-old boy in Dallas | CNN "Losing a student is one of the most difficult experiences one can have as an educator, it is akin to losing a child as these are our children," DeSoto ISD Superintendent of Schools Usamah Rodgers said. "My heart and condolences go out to the McFall family. DeSoto ISD will continue to wrap its arms around the family of De'Evan McFall as well as his school family and our entire district." Work � |  | WorkWork
WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkModernizing the live music industry with Mir Hwang from GigFinesse This week Darrell and Becca are joined by GigFinesse co-founder and CEO Mir Hwang. Mir talks about how his struggles to book music gigs as a teenager pushed him to launch the company that connects artists with venues for live shows. Mir also talked about how hard it was to steer the live music-focused business through the pandemic in an industry that was reticent to adopt tech to begin with. Plus, we learn about a fun venue that couldn’t be more perfect for Darrell’s future poetry residence. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkPutting numbers on the global venture slowdown According to the PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor report, deal count was more stable, with 2022’s estimated deal count approaching 2021’s figure. But looking at quarterly data reveals that Q4 had the lowest deal count of 2022, which doesn’t necessarily bode well for 2023. � |  | WorkWorkEverything must go: Twitter auctionssurplus chairs and a bird statue after cutting thousands of jobs © 2022 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information | Ad Choices FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. � |  | WorkVenture Capital Isnt the ProblemIts Venture Capitalists The market downturn has sent many tech company valuations into freefall, leading to questions about whether the venture modelbased on the power law, the notion that a small number of mega-successful bets will outweigh a larger number of abject failurescan continue to replicate its past wins. ... WorkWorkWorkAfrican gaming startup Carry1st raises $27M from Bitkraft Ventures and a16z Speaking on the investment, Jens Hilgers, the founding general partner at BITKRAFT Ventures, said: “Africa is home to the largest population of young people in the world, and this upcoming generation will grow up digitally native with videogames as their primary entertainment preference. We have full conviction in Carry1st’s impressive founding team and their vision of building out foundational infrastructure and localized content, ensuring that gaming and interactive entertainment in Africa will thrive.” WorkWorkHow Close Is the U.S. to Hitting the Debt Ceiling? How Bad Would That Be? Few lawmakers from either party enjoy a vote on the debt ceiling, and the default that would be caused by a failure to raise it would lead to an economic catastrophe. With political polarization in the United States showing no signs of abating, it often seems that the risk of an accidental default outweighs any fiscal responsibility that the debt limit encourages. WorkBeaconstac lands $25M investment for its QR code management platform “In 2019, my co-founder and I were asking the question, ‘Our phones are great at getting us online, but why aren’t they better at connecting us with the physical world?,\'” Potharaju said. “Beaconstac [is] helping companies … build digital cohorts based on interactions in the physical world.” WorkWork4 key money moves in an uncertain economy, according to financial advisors \"Investors willing to take on additional risk might consider \'buying the dip\' by looking at sectors that took an especially hard it and could now be undervalued,\" said certified financial planner Bryan Kuderna, founder of the Kuderna Financial Team in Shrewsbury, New Jersey, and the author of the upcoming book, \"What Should I Do with My Money?\" WorkWorkThe ongoing big tech antitrust cases to watch in 2023 This stream of new litigation and legislation could impose serious limitations on the growth of these companies, a reason the biggest firms spent almost $70 million lobbying the US Congress in 2021. We’ve compiled a look at recent antitrust legislation to put into perspective the ongoing effort to regulate big tech. This chart lists every major antitrust case filed against Alphabet, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft last year, many of which are ongoing. WorkHungary's foreign minister says Brussels has failed on Russia sanctions \"Until now the European Union member states have adopted nine wide-ranging packages of sanctions against Russia for its illegal aggression against Ukraine, reflecting on EU policy agreed by the 27 member states that we stand by Ukraine and we stand by them in a number of tracks, economical, financial, military and through putting pressure on Putin\'s regime through sanctions and international isolation.\" WorkFledgling startup founders buy an early-bird ticket to build your future ( function() {var func = function() {var iframe = document.getElementById(\'wpcom-iframe-993d01d25859c24ae22ff27863e93e71\')if ( iframe ) {iframe.onload = function() {iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( {\'msg_type\': \'poll_size\',\'frame_id\': \'wpcom-iframe-993d01d25859c24ae22ff27863e93e71\'}, \"https:\\/\\/tcprotectedembed.com\" );}}// Autosize iframevar funcSizeResponse = function( e ) {var origin = document.createElement( \'a\' );origin.href = e.origin;// Verify message originif ( \'tcprotectedembed.com\' !== origin.host )return;// Verify message is in a format we expectif ( \'object\' !== typeof e.data || undefined === e.data.msg_type )return;switch ( e.data.msg_type ) {case \'poll_size:response\':var iframe = document.getElementById( e.data._request.frame_id );if ( iframe && \'\' === iframe.width )iframe.width = \'100%\';if ( iframe && \'\' === iframe.height )iframe.height = parseInt( e.data.height );return;default:return;}}if ( \'function\' === typeof window.addEventListener ) {window.addEventListener( \'message\', funcSizeResponse, false );} else if ( \'function\' === typeof window.attachEvent ) {window.attachEvent( \'onmessage\', funcSizeResponse );}}if (document.readyState === \'complete\') { func.apply(); /* compat for infinite scroll */ }else if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( \'DOMContentLoaded\', func, false ); }else if ( document.attachEvent ) { document.attachEvent( \'onreadystatechange\', func ); }} )(); WorkBJPs Tejasvi Surya allegedly opened emergency exit of IndiGo flight, flight delayed by 2 hours Bengaluru South Lok Sabha MP Tejasvi Surya allegedly opened the emergency exit of an aircraft without any authorisation at the Chennai airport on December 10, 2022. The airline in question, IndiGo, refused to release any statement on the issue. Chennai airport authorities and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) officials confirmed that the emergency exit on the flight was opened by a passenger, but they refused to confirm whether Tejasvi Surya was the passenger in question. WorkWorkBuild a company, not a feature A nontrivial percentage of the companies that come to me for advice about how to make their pitch decks better have a problem far bigger than a subpar deck. Fundamentally, the idea doesn’t work as a VC-scale startup; and if that is true, it doesn’t really matter how good your idea is. You will never raise money because ultimately, the risk your would-be investors are taking is higher than the reward that is available for them to reap. WorkWorkWorkA Mighty Generation of Musicians. A Moving Final Chapter. But there was not, in the silence that follows the dying of the sound, the usual game of chicken between an audience raring to applaud and a conductor unwilling to release. On Sunday there was no battle of wills, no self-indulgence, before the ovation. Thomas let the quiet come, then let it go. WorkWorkWorkWorkTwitter rivals, unicorn trivia and valuation homework Equity drops at 10:00 a.m. PT every Monday and at 7:00 a.m. PT on Wednesdays and Fridays, so subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify and all the casts. TechCrunch also has a great show on crypto, a show that interviews founders, one that details how our stories come together, and more! WorkCost-effective IP strategies can lead to massive exit valuations Sometimes, critical early vendors become more important to the success of a product than was initially appreciated, and agreements with these vendors may have deal-killing clauses. For instance, a hosting provider may have a non-assignment clause that limits future stock or asset sale transactions. You should find out if you have such agreements right now, not on the eve of a huge exit. WorkP2P lending platform PeopleFund raises $20M Series C extension led by Bain Capital The Seoul-based P2P lending startup, founded in 2015, successfully closed its extension. Still, the impact of the extremely tough market condition was inevitable, leading to several tech industry layoffs in the last few months. PeopleFund confirmed that it had cut about 10% of its staff in the fourth quarter of 2022 to “operate the business efficiently and effectively” amid the possibility of a worsening economy. PeopleFund had nearly 150 people as of December 2021. WorkWorkNetherlands Considers Sending Patriot Missile System to Ukraine Gregory Allen, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said foreign governments appeared to be pushing for the agreement to be broadened further, to include countries like South Korea and Germany, to make sure they are not put at a commercial disadvantage by joining with the United States. |