So You Botched a Job Interview. What’s Next?
Are Personalized Ads a Waste of Money?
What the Lean Startup Method Gets Right and Wrong
Harvard scientist on why that song is stuck in your head
How to Architect Your Smartphone for a More Focused Life
Psychiatrists are uncovering connections between viruses and mental health. They’re surprising.
The Health Toll of Poor Sleep
How to Skillfully Answer 'What Is Your Desired Salary?' in a Job Interview
The Top 20 Business Transformations of the Last Decade
Overwhelmed? Adopt a Paradox Mindset
Stop Doing Your Team’s Work for Them
How driverless cars will change our world
Science says it’s essential to make time to do nothing. Here’s why
Grounded! What did a year without flying do to the world?
IQ tests can't measure it, but 'cognitive flexibility' is key to learning and creativity
How to Identify What You Enjoy
The clockwork universe: is free will an illusion?
What Resilience Means, and Why It Matters
The global market valuation of sectors | COVID Response Center | McKinsey & Company
What CIOs need from their CEOs and boards to make IT digital ready | McKinsey
As any CIO or tech leader can tell you, transforming IT and modernizing a business's technology estate is a significant challenge. Making matters worse, many CEOs and board members still cast a jaundiced eye on large tech projects, which have traditionally run over budget and delivered below expectations. Unfortunately, this mindset undermines the support CIOs need to successfully drive their tech transformations.To understand how CEOs and board members can better support their tech leaders, we spoke with about 120 senior tech leaders and 30 senior business executives over the past 18 months. These detailed interviews provided a range of insights, but these five, in particular, highlight the best measures CEOs and boards can take to provide CIOs with the support they need: |
To Become a Top Executive, Take Control of Your Personal Brand Today
Motivating Employees Is Not About Carrots or Sticks
Learning by Doing: When Does it Work? When Does it Fail? - Scott H Young
Processed Foods | Diet Tips
When Data Creates Competitive Advantage
Extreme poverty: how far have we come, how far do we still have to go?
When Hiring Nobody Is Better Than Hiring Just Anybody
How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?
Is the Four-Day Workweek Finally Within Our Grasp? - The New York Times
'Why do you like Shah Rukh Khan?' - BBC News
Elements of Effective Thinking - Farnam Street
They Say Suffering Makes You Stronger. It's Not That Simple | Time
Is society coming apart? | Society | The Guardian
Good conversations take time and attention. Here's how to have better ones : Life Kit
Can Afghanistan’s underground “sneakernet†survive the Taliban?
5 Myths About Strategy
Are you stuck in a “logic box�
How to feel less tired: the 7 types of rest everyone needs
When It’s OK to Trust Your Gut on a Big Decision
The 5 Simple Habits That Can Extend Your Lifespan by Up to 10 Years | by Alexa V.S. | Mind Cafe | Oct, 2021 | Medium